dsimport(1) General Commands Manual dsimport(1)


dsimport filepath nodepath O|M|A|I|N [options]

dsimport --version

dsimport --help

dsimport is a tool for importing records into an Open Directory source.

is the path of the file to be imported.
is the path of the Open Directory node where the records should be imported.
A flag that specifies how to handle conflicting records:
overwrite of any existing records that have the same record name, UID or GID. All previous attribute values are deleted.
merge import data with existing records or create the record if it does not exist.
ignore the record if there is a conflicting name, UID or GID.
append the data to existing records, but do not create a record if it does not exist.
no duplicate checking should be done. Note this could cause failures and/or a slower import process.

A list of options and their descriptions:

is used to signify that all user passwords are crypt-based. Entries in the import file can also be prefixed with {CRYPT} on a per record basis if not all users are crypt-based. By default all passwords are assumed to be provided as listed in the import file.
attribute value
forces a specific value for the named attribute for all records during the import. The new value will overwrite any value specified in the import file. This option may be specified multiple times for forcing more than one attribute.
is the GID used for any records that do not specify a primary GID.
designate a preset record to be applied to imported group records.
changes the amount of logging detail output to the log file.
Outputs a plist to the specified file with a list of changed users or groups and rejected records due to name conflicts. Also includes a list of deleted records (overwrite mode), and lists of records that failed and succeeded during import. The format of this file is likely to change in a future release of Mac OS X.
is the admin's password for import operations. Used to authenticate to the directory node during import. A secure prompt will be used for interactive input if not supplied via parameter. Using the prompt method is the most secure method of providing password to dsimport.
passes in the delimiters and attributes and record type to specify the order and names of attributes in the file to be imported. An example record format string:

0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C dsRecTypeStandard:Users 7 dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName dsAttrTypeStandard:Password dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName dsAttrTypeStandard:NFSHomeDirectory dsAttrTypeStandard:UserShell

A special value of IGNORE can be used for values that should be ignored in the import file on a record-by-record basis.

Override the record type defined in the import file. For example, to import ComputerGroups as ComputerLists, use:

--recordtype dsRecTypeStandard:ComputerLists

The opposite works for importing ComputerLists as ComputerGroups, and so on.

hostname | ipaddress
connects to a remote host at the network address specified. Commonly used to import to a remote Mac OS X Server.
specifies user name to use for the remote connection.
specifies password to use for the remote connection. A secure prompt will be used to ask for the password if --remoteusername is specified and --remotepassword is not. Using the prompt method is the most secure method of providing password to dsimport.
indicates the ID number to start with when the import tool generates user or group IDs for any import file that lacks an ID as part of the import data.
StandardUser | StandardGroup
is used for delimited import of files that lack field descriptions.

StandardUser contains the following fields in the order:

  1. RecordName
  2. Password
  3. UniqueID
  4. PrimaryGroupID
  5. DistinguishedName
  6. NFSHomeDirectory
  7. UserShell

StandardGroup contains the following fields in the order:

  1. RecordName
  2. Password
  3. PrimaryGroupID
  4. GroupMembership
is the admin username to use when importing records. If this is not specified the current user is the default name. Also, if used in conjunction with --remotehost then this admin user will be used for the Open Directory node whereas the username provided in --remoteusername will be used for the remote connection. If this option is left off but --remoteusername is provided, then the remote username will be used for both the connection and for importing records.
designate a preset record to be applied to imported user records.

To import a standard dsexport file into the Local database:


DirectoryService(8) dsexport(1)

Fri June 24 2008 Darwin