cryptexctl installinstall a cryptex, either to the host or to a target device

cryptexctl install --variant VARIANT [-p | --print-info] CRYPTEX-DIRECTORY

Install a cryptex, either to the host (if the host has a cryptex management daemon) or to a target device specified in the top level cryptexctl(1) command.

A list of options with descriptions:


The name of the cryptex
The path to the cryptex bundle directory. The cryptex bundle directory is the product of the cryptexctl-personalize(1) subcommand and is expected to contain a personalized Image4 manifest.


[-p | --print-info]
Print information about the cryptex that was installed.

Read by the base cryptexctl(1) command to select the device on which to operate when the --udid option is not specified and there is no cryptexd(8) daemon on the host. See cryptexctl(1) for more information about CRYPTEXCTL_UDID.

If an installation is failing you may wish to enable verbose logging. The following will enable the most verbose logging from cryptexctl install:

% cryptexctl -v9 -d9 -ldt install -V CryptexHTTP --print-info ./com.example.cryptex.cxbd.signed

You may also want to see logging from the services involved in the cryptex subsytem, the cryptexctl-log(1) command is a quick way to get more information about a failing installation.

% cryptexctl log stream

In more extreme cases you might need to collect logging from the device. If you have the CRYPTEXCTL_UDID environment variable set, you should use "sudo -E" to pass the environment variable through to cryptexctl install. Otherwise you must specify the --udid option to cryptexctl install.

% sudo -E cryptexctl log collect
% cryptexctl log show -- --archive ./system_logs.logarchive

For more information about logging, see cryptexctl-log(1) and log(1).

cryptexctl(1), cryptexctl-create(1), cryptexctl-personalize(1), cryptexctl-log(1), cryptexctl-uninstall(1), log(1)

Introduced in macOS 11.0

April 2, 2021 Darwin