cryptexctl identityprint the host's personalization identity

cryptexctl identity identity

Query and fetch the host's personalization identity. The identifiers displayed by this command uniquely identify the host.

These identifiers can be used with cryptexctl-create(1) to personalize a cryptex for a device when the device is not present.

Read by cryptexctl identity to set the ---udid option on the base cryptexctl(1) command. This UDID value can be retrieved from the cryptexctl-device(1) command's or actions and provides a convenient way to operate on a single device when multiple devices are connected.

The magic value "first" will select the first discovered device.

This command will communicate with the local cryptex subsystem if --udid or CRYPTEXTCTL_UDID is not specified. When manually personalizing a cryptex with cryptexctl-create(1) ensure you are communicating with the device you expect by confirming the UDID matches with the output from cryptexctl-device(1).

cryptexctl(1), cryptexctl-create(1), cryptexctl-device(1)

Introduced in macOS 11.0

August 7, 2020 Darwin