cryptexctl generate-trust-cache — Generate a trust cache from a directory of Mach-O files

cryptexctl generate-trust-cache [-o | --output-file OUTPUT-FILE] [-t | --typestatic|loadable|development⟩] [-b | --base-trust-cache TRUST-CACHE-PATH] DIRECTORY-PATH

Generate a trust cache from the mach object files (see Mach-O(5)) in the directory hierarchy given by DIRECTORY-PATH. Each mach object, regardles of whether it is an executable, bundle, dylib, or dylib shared cache, is inspected for a valid code directory. If found, the code directory is hashed, and the resulting hash is added to the trust cache. If the mach object has no code signature, it is impossible to add it to the trust cache, and it is ignored.

If a fat mach file is encountered, each slice is examined with the above logic.

The implementation expects well-formed mach objects, whose load command counts are accurate, and will not attempt to work around poorly-formed inputs just for the sake of a single user's tooling.

A list of flags and their descriptions:

The file to which the trust cache should be written, will be replaced if it already exists [default: a file named trustcache in the current working direcory.]
| static|loadable|development
The type of trust cache to produce. Valid types are:
- a static trust cache, of which there may only be one on a given device. This option is generally not useful, but is included for completeness.
- a trust cache which may be loaded at runtime and persisted on the device
- a trust cache which may only be loaded on devices with development fusing while running a DEVELOPMENT iBoot

[default: loadable]

The path to an existing trust cache of any type whose cdhashes should be incorporated into the one being generated. This flag may be specified multiple times.

codesign(1) cryptexctl(1) cryptexctl-create(1) cryptexctl-dump-trust-cache(1) trustcachectl(1) Mach-O(5)

Introduced in macOS 11.0

June 29, 2020 Darwin