BRCTL(1) General Commands Manual BRCTL(1)

brctlManage the CloudDocs daemon

brctl command⟩ [command-options and arguments]

brctl understands the following commands:

[options] [⟨diagnosis-output-path⟩]
diagnose and collect logs

-M,--collect-mobile-documents[=<container>] (default: all containers)
-s,--sysdiagnose Do not collect what's already part of sysdiagnose
-n,--name=<name> Change the device name
Specifies the output path of the diagnosis; -n becomes useless.

download a local copy of the document at this path

evict the local copy of the document at this path

[options] [⟨command⟩]

turn on or off color use
-d,--path=<logs-dir> use <logs-dir> instead of default
-H,--home=<home-dir> use this as the ~ prefix, to look for ~/L/
only show lines matching predicate
turn on or off multiple line logging
-n=<number> number of initial lines to display
-p,--page use paging
-w,--wait wait for new logs continuously (syslog -w)
-t,--shorten Shorten UUIDs, paths, etc
-s,--digest Only print digest logs

[options] [⟨container⟩]
dump the CloudDocs database

redirect output to <file-path>
Use the database at <db-path>
[<container>] the container to be dumped

[options] ⟨container
use NSMetadataQuery to monitor the container

restrict the NSMDQ scope to DOCS, DATA, or BOTH

[options] ⟨path⟩ [ALL|etags...]
list the non-local versions of the document at this path.

-a,--all List all non-local versions including those that
are locally cached


22/04/14 Mac OS X