avbutil(1) General Commands Manual avbutil(1)

avbutilmanage AVB features and settings.


The avbutil executable is used for the managment AVB features and settings.

The following options are available:

--virtual-audio enable if-name [--stream-count stream-count] [--input-stream-count input-stream-count] [--output-stream-count output-stream-count] [--channel-count channel-count] [--no-44.1k] [--no-48k] [--no-88.2k] [--no-96k] [--no-176.4k] [--no-192k] [--no-am824] [--no-aaf-int] [--no-aaf-float] [--config-per-count]
Enable the builtin virtual audio entity on the specified interface. With no additional arguments this enabled the builtin model, with additional arguments this dynamically creates an entity model with the specified parameters. --stream-count defines how many audio streams to create, --channel-count is how many audio channels in each stream. --no-44.1k, --no-48k, --no-88.2k, --no-96k, --no-176.4k and --no-192k disable each sample rate. --no-am824 disables IEC-61883-6 AM824 stream format, --no-aaf-int disables the AAF 24 bits in a 32 bit integer PCM stream format and --no-aaf-float disables the AAF floating point PCM stream format. --config-per-count creates multiple configurations with each count of streams, e.g. if --stream-count is 4 then it creates 4 configurations the first with 1 audio stream, the second with 2, the third with 3 and the fourth with 4. The default is 1 stream with 8 channels per stream and all sample rates enabled. Note IEC-61883-6 AM824 streaming only supports 48k, 96k and 192k sample rates and no stream formats will be created for those at 44.1k, 88.2k or 176.4k. --stream-count specifies both the input and output to have the same number of streams, --input-stream-count and --output-stream-count can be used to specify a different number of streams for input and output (including 0) but there must be at least 1 input or output stream.
--virtual-audio disable if-name
Disable the builtin virtual audio entity on the specified interface.
--virtual-audio list
List the set of interfaces with a builtin virtual audio entity enabled. An interface must be present and enabled for AVB use to enable the virtual audio entity on that interface. A virtual audio entity can always be removed from an interface regardless of if the interface is present or not.
--custom-audio add unique-id if-name path-to-entity-model
Add the custom audio device with the given AEMXML or AEMPLIST entity model on the specified interface.
--custom-audio remove unique-id if-name
Disable the virtual audio device on the specified interface and remove it.
--custom-audio list
List the enabled custom virtual audio devices
--controller [launch | enable | disable]
Launch, enable or disable the general AVDECC Controller. Passing no arguments is the equivalent of passing enable and then passing launch. Note that enable and disable has no affect and is kept for legacy support. The general AVDECC Controller is part of the AVB Audio Configuration utility that lives in the system CoreServices directory. The launch command is provided as a convenience for not having to find the application.
--acquire-mode enable | disable | status
Enable, disable or check the current status of the acquire mode AVB audio controller, that is the controller that provides the functionality of the acquire checkboxes in the Network Device Browser window of the Audio MIDI Setup application.
--acquire-mtt-tune enable | disable | status
Enable, disable or check the current status of the acquire mode Max Transit Time automatic latency tunning.
--convert-aem xml-to-plist xml-path plist-path
Convert AEM xml file to AEM plist file.
--convert-aem plist-to-xml plist-path xml-path
Convery AEM plist file to AEM xml file.
--convert-aem xml-to-c xml-path output-path
Convert AEM xml file to a series of C data arrays in a C file.
--convert-aem plist-to-c plist-path output-path
Convert AEM plist file to a series of C data arrays in a C file.
--mvrp add bsd_name VLAN-ID
Add the VLAN ID to the attributes being registered. This will only persist while avbutil is running
--mvrp remove bsd_name VLAN-ID
Remove the VLAN ID from the attributes being registered by avbutil. Note this will not remove a registration from another application.
--msrp list bsd_name
List the all of the MVRP attributes being registered.
11/3/22 Darwin