AMLINT(1) General Commands Manual AMLINT(1)

amlintcheck Automator actions for problems

amlint [-HhSs] [-d definition-bundle] [-x exception-file] action ...

amlint checks the given Automator actions for various problems and interface inconsistencies. action is the path of a built action bundle. The options are as follows:

Print the filename for each error or warning.
Suppress the prefixing of filenames when multiple actions are checked.
For each action, write a summary line indicating how many errors and warnings there were.
As -S, but skips the summary line for actions with no errors or warnings.
Specify a definition bundle, which specifies custom action input and output types. This option may be repeated if you need to specify more than one bundle.
Specify a list of errors and warnings to ignore. The file should be plain text, with one line per error: the action filename, a colon, space, and the text of the error. For example:
My Action.action: error: NSButton "OK" should not use the metal style.

You can simply copy an output line from amlint -H.

amlint exits with one of the following values:

no serious errors were found.
an error was found in one of the checked actions.
an internal error occurred.

Because of a bug in nibtool(1), amlint will fail to work on some nibs. You will see errors about the “old-style plist parser” if this happens.

December 9, 2005 Mac OS X