AGVTOOL(1) General Commands Manual AGVTOOL(1)

agvtoolApple-generic versioning tool for Xcode projects

agvtool what-version | vers [-terse]

agvtool [-noscm | -usecvs | -usesvn] next-version | bump [-all]

agvtool [-noscm | -usecvs | -usesvn] new-version [-all] versionNumber

agvtool [-noscm | -usecvs | -usesvn] tag [-force | -F] [-noupdatecheck | -Q] [-baseurlfortag]

agvtool [-noscm | -usecvs | -usesvn] submit [-bytag | -notbytag] [-baseurlfortag] release ...

agvtool what-marketing-version | mvers [-terse | -terse1]

agvtool [-noscm | -usecvs | -usesvn] new-marketing-version | vers version

agvtool helps speed up common operations for Xcode projects that use the Apple Generic Versioning system.

You enable versioning support by setting up some build settings in your project.

The settings used by the apple-generic versioning system are as follows:

This must be set to “apple-generic” at the project level to enable versioning.
This setting defines the current version of the project. The value must be a integer or floating point number like 57 or 365.8.
This setting defines the current version of any framework built by the project. Like CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION the value must be an integer or floating point number like 57 or 365.8. By default it is set to “$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)”.
Used as a prefix for the name of the version info symbol in the generated versioning source file. If you prefix your exported symbols you will probably want to set this to the same prefix.
Used as a suffix for the name of the version info symbol in the generated versioning source file. This is rarely used.
This defines a reference to the user performing a build to be included in the generated stub, and defaults to the value of the USER environment variable.
This defines a prefix string for the version info symbol declaration in the generated stub. This can be used, for example, to add an optional ‘export’ keyword to the version symbol declaration. This should rarely be changed.
Used to specify a name for the source file that will be generated and compiled into your product. By default this is set to “$(PRODUCT_NAME)_vers.c”.

To enable Apple Generic Versioning, then, you must set up at least the VERSIONING_SYSTEM and CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION project build settings for each project you want to be versioned. The target of a versioned project will have two global variables generated and linked into your product. One is of type double and is simply the CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION. The other is a version string which is formatted to be compatible with what(1). These variables are available for use in your code.

Projects with multiple targets are required to have the same CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION for each target. The easiest way to achieve this is to set CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION at the project level.

agvtool should be invoked with the working directory set to your project directory (the folder containing your .xcodeproj project file).

agvtool pays attention to the following defaults for CVS usage: CVSEnabled, CVSSubmitByTag, and CVSToolPath.

If CVSEnabled is set to YES then agvtool will perform certain CVS operations like committing modified project files and performing tagging operations. You can set this default by issuing the following command:

defaults write agvtool CVSEnabled YES

The sense of this default can be overidden by supplying an explicit -noscm (which turns off CVS and Subversion usage), -usecvs (which turns on CVS usage and turns off Subversion usage), or -usesvn (which turns off CVS usage and turns on Subversion usage).

If CVSSubmitByTag is set to YES then agvtool will submit your project by CVS tag using the same version as the tag operation. The sense of this default can be overridden by supplying an explicit -bytag or -notbytag argument to the submit operation. You can set this default by issuing the following command:

defaults write agvtool CVSSubmitByTag YES

Set CVSToolPath to point to the location of the cvs tool to use. If this default is not set then agvtool will use /usr/bin/ocvs if it exists. Otherwise /usr/bin/cvs will be used. You can set this default by issuing the following command:

defaults write agvtool CVSToolPath pathToCVS

agvtool pays attention to the following defaults for Subversion usage: SVNEnabled, SVNSubmitByTag, and SVNToolPath.

If SVNEnabled is set to YES then agvtool will perform certain Subversion operations like committing modified project files and performing tagging operations. You can set this default by issuing the following command:

defaults write agvtool SVNEnabled YES

The sense of this default can be overidden by supplying an explicit -noscm (which turns off CVS and Subversion usage), -usecvs (which turns on CVS usage and turns off Subversion usage), or -usesvn (which turns off CVS usage and turns on Subversion usage).

If SVNSubmitByTag is set to YES then agvtool () will submit your project by Subversion URL using the same version as that created by the tag operation. The sense of this default can be overridden by supplying an explicit -bytag or -notbytag argument to the submit operation. You can set this default by issuing the following command:

defaults write agvtool SVNSubmitByTag YES

Set SVNToolPath to point to the location of the svn tool to use. If this default is not set then agvtool will use /usr/local/bin/svn if it exists. You can set this default by issuing the following command:

defaults write agvtool SVNToolPath pathToSVN

| [-terse]
Prints out the current version number of the project.

The -terse option can be used to limit the output to the version number only.

| [-all]
Increments the version numbers of all versioned targets to the next highest integral value. For example, 54 will change to 55 and 234.6 will change to 235.

The CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION and the DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION will be updated. The -all option will also update the CFBundleVersion Info.plist key.

If CVS support is enabled, the modified project file will be committed.

[-all version]
Sets the version numbers of all targets to the given version.

The CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION and the DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION will be updated. The -all option will also update the CFBundleVersion Info.plist key.

If CVS support is enabled, the modified project file will be committed.

[-force | -F] [-noupdatecheck | -Q] [-baseurlfortag]
Create a new tag projectname-currentversion where projectname is the name of the Xcode project file (without the extension) and currentversion is the CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION with any ‘.’ transformed into ‘~’ (since CVS does not allow dots in tag names).

The -force or -F option will add a -F to the tag operation.

The -noupdatecheck or -Q option skips the cvs update usually done prior to tagging to ensure that there are no uncommitted changes.

The -baseurlfortag option can be used to provide a URL that points to the directory to place the "tag" in when using Subversion. This overrides the SVNBaseTagURL default. This option is ignored if Subversion is not being used.

Note: This command will only function if CVS or Subversion support is enabled.

[-bytag | -notbytag] [-baseurlfortag] release ...
Submits your project to the specified releases in Build & Integration.

The -bytag option performs the submission by tag instead of submitting from the project source directly. The -notbytag option submits from the project source.

If CVSSubmitByTag is set, -bytag is the default. Otherwise, -notbytag is the default.

The -baseurlfortag option can be used to provide a URL that points to the directory to find "tags" in when using Subversion. This overrides the SVNBaseTagURL default. This option is ignored if Subversion is not being used.

Note: This command is relevant only for Apple employees.

| [-terse | -terse1]
Prints the current marketing version of the project. For native targets, a marketing version is listed for each Info.plist file found. For Jambase targets a marketing version is shown if a common value is found.

The marketing version is the CFBundleShortVersionString Info.plist key. This is often a totally different version determined by product marketing folks.

The -terse option will limit the output to the version number only when displaying version numbers for Jambase targets.

The -terse1 option will limit the output to the first version number found, and only display the version number.

Sets the marketing version numbers of all versioned targets to the given version number.

The marketing version is the CFBundleShortVersionString Info.plist key. This is often a totally different version determined by product marketing folks.

If CVS support is enabled, the modified project file will be committed.

Do not use this command on a project with targets that track different marketing versions.

April 11, 2012 OS X