macOS — User Commands
- 4ccconv(1) — 4 Character Code Conversion Tool
- @TSET@(1), reset(1) — terminal initialization
- BacklightdTester(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- DeRez(1) — decompiles resources (DEPRECATED)
- GetFileInfo(1), /usr/bin/GetFileInfo(1) — get attributes of files and directories (DEPRECATED)
- M4(1) — macro processor
- MetalValidation(1), Metal Validation(1) — Metal Runtime Validation
- ResMerger(1), /usr/bin/ResMerger(1) — Merges resource forks or files into one resource file (DEPRECATED)
- Rez(1) — compiles resources (DEPRECATED)
- SetFile(1), /usr/bin/SetFile(1) — set attributes of files and directories (DEPRECATED)
- SplitForks(1), /usr/bin/SplitForks(1) — Divide a two-fork HFS file into AppleDouble format resource and data files. (DEPRECATED)
- aa(1) — Manipulate Apple Archives
- ab(1) — Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
- accesstool(1) — accesstool
- actool(1) — compiles, prints, updates, and verifies asset catalogs
- adacurses-config(1) — helper script for AdaCurses libraries
- aea(1) — Manipulate Apple Encrypted Archives
- afconvert(1) — Audio File Convert
- afhash(1) — Audio File Hash
- afida(1) — Audio File Image Distortion Analyzer
- afinfo(1) — Audio File Info
- afktool(1) — AppleFirmwareKit debug utility
- afplay(1) — Audio File Play
- afscexpand(1) — decompress files compressed with HFS+ compression
- agentxtrap(1) — send an AgentX NotifyPDU to an AgentX master agent
- agvtool(1) — Apple-generic versioning tool for Xcode projects
- amlint(1) — check Automator actions for problems
- analyticsd(1) — Diagnostics and Usage
- app-sso(1) — A tool used to control and get information about the Kerberos SSO extension
- applesingle(1), binhex(1), macbinary(1) — encode and decode files
- apply(1) — apply a command to a set of arguments
- ar(1) — create and maintain library archives
- arch(1) — print architecture type or run selected architecture of a universal binary
- asa(1) — interpret carriage-control characters
- assetutil(1) — process asset files
- assistant_cdmd(1), CDM/NLX Daemon(1) — daemon handles Natural Langauge Understanding tasks for Siri and other internal Apple teams
- at(1), batch(1), atq(1), atrm(1) — queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
- atos(1) — convert numeric addresses to symbols of binary images or processes
- audioclocksyncd(1) — clock management and interface for Precision Time Protocol
- auditreduce(1) — select records from audit trail files
- authopen(1) — open file with authorization
- automationmodetool(1) — Manage UI automation security preferences
- automator(1) — Runs Automator workflow
- auval(1) — AudioUnit validation
- avbanalyse(1) — Audio Video Bridging analysis tool
- avbcapture(1) — Audio Video Bridging traffic capture tool
- avbdeviced(1) — peristent entity management for AVB
- avbdiagnose(1) — diagnostic tool for AVB
- avbutil(1) — manage AVB features and settings
- avconvert(1) — movie conversion tool
- avmediainfo(1) — media analysis tool
- awdd(1) — Diagnostics and Usage
- awk(1) — pattern-directed scanning and processing language
- backgroundassets-debug(1) — A tool used to simulate content requests in a Background Download Extension. Most Background Assets extension entry-points fire based on App Store installation, update, or system events
- basename(1), dirname(1) — return filename or directory portion of pathname
- bash(1) — GNU Bourne-Again SHell
- bashbug(1) — report a bug in bash
- bc(1) — arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator
- — use Convert::BinHex to encode files as BinHex
- bintrans(1), uuencode(1), uudecode(1), b64encode(1), b64decode(1), base64(1) — encode / decode a binary file
- bioutil(1) — tool for viewing/changing biometrics configuration and listing/deleting enrolled biometric templates
- bison(1) — GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
- bitcode_strip(1) — remove or leave the bitcode segment in a Mach-O file
- bkctl(1) — Uses BookKit.framework to manage the iBooks book library
- bmtool(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- bputil(1) — Utility to precisely modify the security settings on Apple Silicon Macs
- brctl(1) — Manage the CloudDocs daemon
- bspatch(1) — apply a patch built with bsdiff(1)
- builtin(1), !(1), %(1), .(1), :(1), @(1), [(1), {(1), }(1), alias(1), alloc(1), bg(1), bind(1), bindkey(1), break(1), breaksw(1), builtins(1), case(1), cd(1), chdir(1), command(1), complete(1), continue(1), default(1), dirs(1), do(1), done(1), echo(1), echotc(1), elif(1), else(1), end(1), endif(1), endsw(1), esac(1), eval(1), exec(1), exit(1), export(1), false(1), fc(1), fg(1), filetest(1), fi(1), for(1), foreach(1), getopts(1), glob(1), goto(1), hash(1), hashstat(1), history(1), hup(1), if(1), jobid(1), jobs(1), kill(1), limit(1), local(1), log(1), login(1), logout(1), ls-F(1), nice(1), nohup(1), notify(1), onintr(1), popd(1), printenv(1), printf(1), pushd(1), pwd(1), read(1), readonly(1), rehash(1), repeat(1), return(1), sched(1), set(1), setenv(1), settc(1), setty(1), setvar(1), shift(1), source(1), stop(1), suspend(1), switch(1), telltc(1), test(1), then(1), time(1), times(1), trap(1), true(1), type(1), ulimit(1), umask(1), unalias(1), uncomplete(1), unhash(1), unlimit(1), unset(1), unsetenv(1), until(1), wait(1), where(1), which(1), while(1) — shell built-in commands
- bundle(1) — Ruby Dependency Management
- bundle-add(1) — Add gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install
- bundle-binstubs(1) — Install the binstubs of the listed gems
- bundle-check(1) — Verifies if dependencies are satisfied by installed gems
- bundle-clean(1) — Cleans up unused gems in your bundler directory
- bundle-config(1) — Set bundler configuration options
- bundle-doctor(1) — Checks the bundle for common problems
- bundle-exec(1) — Execute a command in the context of the bundle
- bundle-gem(1) — Generate a project skeleton for creating a rubygem
- bundle-info(1) — Show information for the given gem in your bundle
- bundle-init(1) — Generates a Gemfile into the current working directory
- bundle-inject(1) — Add named gem(s) with version requirements to Gemfile
- bundle-install(1) — Install the dependencies specified in your Gemfile
- bundle-list(1) — List all the gems in the bundle
- bundle-lock(1) — Creates / Updates a lockfile without installing
- bundle-open(1) — Opens the source directory for a gem in your bundle
- bundle-outdated(1) — List installed gems with newer versions available
- bundle-package(1) — Package your needed .gem files into your application
- bundle-platform(1) — Displays platform compatibility information
- bundle-pristine(1) — Restores installed gems to their pristine condition
- bundle-remove(1) — Removes gems from the Gemfile
- bundle-show(1) — Shows all the gems in your bundle, or the path to a gem
- bundle-update(1) — Update your gems to the latest available versions
- bundle-viz(1) — Generates a visual dependency graph for your Gemfile
- byacc(1) — an LALR(1) parser generator
- bzcmp(1), bzdiff(1) — compare bzip2 compressed files
- bzip2(1), bunzip2(1) — a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
- bzmore(1), bzless(1) — file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
- c89(1) — standard C language compiler
- c99(1) — standard C language compiler
- cal(1), ncal(1) — displays a calendar and the date of Easter
- calendar(1) — reminder service
- cancel(1) — cancel jobs
- cap_mkdb(1) — create capability database
- cat(1) — concatenate and print files
- cc_fips_test(1) — Validates correctness of the corecrypto library during bootup
- certtool(1) — create key pairs, certificates and certificate signing requests for use with Keychains
- cfilutil(1) — Tool to exercise the content filter subsystem
- checkLocalKDC(1) — checks a LocalKDC
- chflags(1) — change file flags
- chgrp(1) — change group
- chmod(1) — change file modes or Access Control Lists
- chpass(1), chfn(1), chsh(1) — add or change user database information
- cksum(1), sum(1) — display file checksums and block counts
- cktool(1) — CloudKit Command Line Tool
- clang(1) — the Clang C, C++, and Objective-C compiler
- clear(1) — clear the terminal screen
- cloudpaird(1) — cloudpaird daemon
- cmp(1) — compare two files
- cmpdylib(1) — compare two dynamic shared libraries for compatibility
- codesign(1) — Create and manipulate code signatures
- codesign_allocate(1) — add code signing data to a Mach-O file
- col(1) — filter reverse line feeds from input
- colldef(1) — convert collation sequence source definition
- colrm(1) — remove columns from a file
- column(1) — columnate lists
- comm(1) — select or reject lines common to two files
- compress(1), uncompress(1) — compress and expand data
- compression_tool(1) — encode/decode files using the Compression library
- config_data(1) — Query or change configuration of Perl modules
- configureLocalKDC(1) — generate a LocalKDC
- coreBluetoothUtil(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- corebrightnessdiag(1) — corebrightnessdiag
- corelist(1) — a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
- cp(1) — copy files
- cpan(1) — easily interact with CPAN from the command line
- cpio(1) — copy files to and from archives
- createhomedir(1) — create and populate home directories on the local computer
- crlrefresh(1) — update and maintain system-wide CRL cache
- crontab(1) — maintain crontab files for individual users (V3)
- cryptexctl-create(1), cryptexctl create(1) — create a cryptex from a disk image
- cryptexctl-detach(1), cryptexctl detach(1) — detach a device
- cryptexctl-device(1), cryptexctl device(1) — manage connections to devices running the cryptex subsytem
- cryptexctl-dump-trust-cache(1), cryptexctl dump-trust-cache(1) — print the content of a trust cache
- cryptexctl-generate-trust-cache(1), cryptexctl(1) — generate-trust-cache Generate a trust cache from a directory of Mach-O files
- cryptexctl-help(1), cryptexctl help(1) — print some helpful help about cryptexctl or one of its subcommands
- cryptexctl-identity(1), cryptexctl identity(1) — print the host's personalization identity
- cryptexctl-install(1), cryptexctl install(1) — install a cryptex, either to the host or to a target device
- cryptexctl-list(1), cryptexctl list(1) — list installed cryptexes
- cryptexctl-log(1), cryptexctl log(1) — display or collect logs relevant to the cryptex subsystem
- cryptexctl-nonce(1), cryptexctl nonce(1) — retrieve or manipulate cryptex personalization nonces
- cryptexctl-path(1), cryptexctl path(1) — return search paths for a session
- cryptexctl-personalize(1), cryptexctl personalize(1) — personalize a cryptex from a cryptex bundle
- cryptexctl-uninstall(1), cryptexctl uninstall(1) — uninstall a cryptex
- cryptexctl-version(1), cryptexctl version(1) — print the version of a cryptex subsystem component
- cscheck(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- csplit(1) — split files based on context
- csreq(1) — Expert tool for manipulating Code Signing Requirement data
- ctags(1) — create a tags file
- ctf_insert(1) — insert Compact C Type Format data into a mach_kernel file
- cu(1) — Call up another system
- cups(1) — a standards-based, open source printing system
- cups-config(1) — get cups api, compiler, directory, and link information
- cupstestppd(1) — test conformance of ppd files
- curl(1) — transfer a URL
- curl-config(1) — Get information about a libcurl installation
- cut(1) — cut out selected portions of each line of a file
- cxattr(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- dash(1) — command interpreter (shell)
- date(1) — display or set date and time
- dbicadmin(1) — utility for administrating DBIx::Class schemata
- dbilogstrip(1) — filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
- dbiprof(1) — command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
- dbiproxy(1) — A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
- dbmmanage(1) — Manage user authentication files in DBM format
- dc(1) — arbitrary-precision decimal reverse-Polish notation calculator
- dd(1) — convert and copy a file
- — use Convert::BinHex to decode BinHex files
- defaults(1) — access the Mac OS X user defaults system
- delv(1) — DNS lookup and validation utility
- demandoc(1) — emit only text of UNIX manuals
- derq(1) — Query and manipulate DER entitlements
- desdp(1) — scripting definition generator
- df(1) — display free disk space
- diagnostics(1), splain(1) — produce verbose warning diagnostics
- diff(1) — differential file and directory comparator
- diff3(1) — 3-way differential file comparison
- diffstat(1) — make histogram from diff-output
- dig(1) — DNS lookup utility
- ditto(1) — copy directory hierarchies, create and extract archives
- dmc(1) — controls the Disk Mount Conditioner
- dns-sd(1) — Multicast DNS (mDNS) & DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) Test Tool
- dot_clean(1) — Merge._* files with corresponding native files
- drutil(1) — interact with CD/DVD burners
- dscacheutil(1) — gather information, statistics and initiate queries to the Directory Service cache
- dscl(1) — Directory Service command line utility
- dsconfigldap(1) — LDAP server configuration/binding add/remove tool
- dsexport(1) — export records from OpenDirectory
- dsmemberutil(1) — various operations for the membership APIs, including state dump, check memberships, UUIDs, etc
- dsymutil(1) — manipulate archived DWARF debug symbol files
- dtfetchsymbolsd(1) — DT Remote service for copying symbol cache files from device to host
- dtrace(1) — dynamic tracing compiler and tracing utility
- du(1) — display disk usage statistics
- dwarfdump(1) — dump and verify DWARF debug information
- dyld(1) — the dynamic linker
- dyld_info(1) — Displays information used by dyld in programs and dylibs
- dyld_usage(1) — report dynamic linker activity in real-time
- echo(1) — write arguments to the standard output
- ed(1), red(1) — text editor
- enc2xs(1) — -- Perl Encode Module Generator
- encguess(1) — guess character encodings of files
- encode_keychange(1) — produce the KeyChange string for SNMPv3
- env(1) — set environment and execute command, or print environment
- erb(1) — Ruby Templating
- eslogger(1) — log Endpoint Security events
- evim(1) — easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
- expand(1), unexpand(1) — expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa
- expect(1) — programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
- expr(1) — evaluate expression
- eyapp(1) — A Perl front-end to the Parse::Eyapp module
- false(1) — return false value
- file(1) — determine file type
- fileproviderctl(1) — introspect file provider extensions
- fileurltool(1) — a tool to exercise the NSURL/CFURL resource property APIs
- filtercalltree(1) — Filter or prune a call tree file generated by sample or malloc_history
- find(1) — walk a file hierarchy
- findrule(1) — command line wrapper to File::Find::Rule
- finger(1) — user information lookup program
- fixproc(1) — Fixes a process by performing the specified action
- flex(1) — the fast lexical analyser generator
- fmt(1) — simple text formatter
- fold(1) — fold long lines for finite width output device
- footprint(1) — gathers memory information about one or more processes
- fs_usage(1) — report system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in real-time
- funzip(1) — filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
- fuser(1) — list process IDs of all processes that have one or more files open
- gatherheaderdoc(1) — header documentation processor
- gcore(1) — get core images of running processes
- gem(1) — RubyGems program
- gen_bridge_metadata(1) — Objective-C Bridges Metadata Generator
- gencat(1) — NLS catalog compiler
- genstrings(1) — generate string tables from source code
- getconf(1) — retrieve standard configuration variables
- getopt(1) — parse command options
- git(1) — the stupid content tracker
- git-add(1) — Add file contents to the index
- git-am(1) — Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
- git-annotate(1) — Annotate file lines with commit information
- git-apply(1) — Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
- git-archive(1) — Create an archive of files from a named tree
- git-bisect(1) — Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
- git-blame(1) — Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file
- git-branch(1) — List, create, or delete branches
- git-bugreport(1) — Collect information for user to file a bug report
- git-bundle(1) — Move objects and refs by archive
- git-cat-file(1) — Provide content or type and size information for repository objects
- git-check-attr(1) — Display gitattributes information
- git-check-ignore(1) — Debug gitignore / exclude files
- git-check-mailmap(1) — Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts
- git-check-ref-format(1) — Ensures that a reference name is well formed
- git-checkout(1) — Switch branches or restore working tree files
- git-checkout-index(1) — Copy files from the index to the working tree
- git-cherry(1) — Find commits yet to be applied to upstream
- git-cherry-pick(1) — Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
- git-citool(1) — Graphical alternative to git-commit
- git-clean(1) — Remove untracked files from the working tree
- git-clone(1) — Clone a repository into a new directory
- git-column(1) — Display data in columns
- git-commit(1) — Record changes to the repository
- git-commit-graph(1) — Write and verify Git commit-graph files
- git-commit-tree(1) — Create a new commit object
- git-config(1) — Get and set repository or global options
- git-count-objects(1) — Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption
- git-credential(1) — Retrieve and store user credentials
- git-credential-cache(1) — Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
- git-credential-cache--daemon(1) — Temporarily store user credentials in memory
- git-credential-store(1) — Helper to store credentials on disk
- git-daemon(1) — A really simple server for Git repositories
- git-describe(1) — Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref
- git-diagnose(1) — Generate a zip archive of diagnostic information
- git-diff(1) — Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
- git-diff-files(1) — Compares files in the working tree and the index
- git-diff-index(1) — Compare a tree to the working tree or index
- git-diff-tree(1) — Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects
- git-difftool(1) — Show changes using common diff tools
- git-fast-export(1) — Git data exporter
- git-fast-import(1) — Backend for fast Git data importers
- git-fetch(1) — Download objects and refs from another repository
- git-fetch-pack(1) — Receive missing objects from another repository
- git-filter-branch(1) — Rewrite branches
- git-fmt-merge-msg(1) — Produce a merge commit message
- git-for-each-ref(1) — Output information on each ref
- git-for-each-repo(1) — Run a Git command on a list of repositories
- git-format-patch(1) — Prepare patches for e-mail submission
- git-fsck(1) — Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
- git-fsck-objects(1) — Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
- git-fsmonitor--daemon(1) — A Built-in Filesystem Monitor
- git-gc(1) — Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
- git-get-tar-commit-id(1) — Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive
- git-grep(1) — Print lines matching a pattern
- git-hash-object(1) — Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file
- git-help(1) — Display help information about Git
- git-hook(1) — Run git hooks
- git-http-backend(1) — Server side implementation of Git over HTTP
- git-http-fetch(1) — Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP
- git-http-push(1) — Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
- git-imap-send(1) — Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder
- git-index-pack(1) — Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
- git-init(1) — Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
- git-init-db(1) — Creates an empty Git repository
- git-interpret-trailers(1) — Add or parse structured information in commit messages
- git-log(1) — Show commit logs
- git-ls-files(1) — Show information about files in the index and the working tree
- git-ls-remote(1) — List references in a remote repository
- git-ls-tree(1) — List the contents of a tree object
- git-mailinfo(1) — Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message
- git-mailsplit(1) — Simple UNIX mbox splitter program
- git-maintenance(1) — Run tasks to optimize Git repository data
- git-merge(1) — Join two or more development histories together
- git-merge-base(1) — Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
- git-merge-file(1) — Run a three-way file merge
- git-merge-index(1) — Run a merge for files needing merging
- git-merge-one-file(1) — The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
- git-merge-tree(1) — Perform merge without touching index or working tree
- git-mergetool(1) — Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts
- git-mergetool--lib(1) — Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
- git-mktag(1) — Creates a tag object with extra validation
- git-mktree(1) — Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
- git-multi-pack-index(1) — Write and verify multi-pack-indexes
- git-mv(1) — Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
- git-name-rev(1) — Find symbolic names for given revs
- git-notes(1) — Add or inspect object notes
- git-p4(1) — Import from and submit to Perforce repositories
- git-pack-objects(1) — Create a packed archive of objects
- git-pack-redundant(1) — Find redundant pack files
- git-pack-refs(1) — Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
- git-patch-id(1) — Compute unique ID for a patch
- git-prune(1) — Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
- git-prune-packed(1) — Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
- git-pull(1) — Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
- git-push(1) — Update remote refs along with associated objects
- git-quiltimport(1) — Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
- git-range-diff(1) — Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)
- git-read-tree(1) — Reads tree information into the index
- git-rebase(1) — Reapply commits on top of another base tip
- git-receive-pack(1) — Receive what is pushed into the repository
- git-reflog(1) — Manage reflog information
- git-remote(1) — Manage set of tracked repositories
- git-remote-ext(1) — Bridge smart transport to external command
- git-remote-fd(1) — Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
- git-repack(1) — Pack unpacked objects in a repository
- git-replace(1) — Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
- git-request-pull(1) — Generates a summary of pending changes
- git-rerere(1) — Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
- git-reset(1) — Reset current HEAD to the specified state
- git-restore(1) — Restore working tree files
- git-rev-list(1) — Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
- git-rev-parse(1) — Pick out and massage parameters
- git-revert(1) — Revert some existing commits
- git-rm(1) — Remove files from the working tree and from the index
- git-send-email(1) — Send a collection of patches as emails
- git-send-pack(1) — Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
- git-sh-i18n(1) — Git(aqs i18n setup code for shell scripts
- git-sh-i18n--envsubst(1) — Git(aqs own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
- git-sh-setup(1) — Common Git shell script setup code
- git-shell(1) — Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
- git-shortlog(1) — Summarize (aqgit log(aq output
- git-show(1) — Show various types of objects
- git-show-branch(1) — Show branches and their commits
- git-show-index(1) — Show packed archive index
- git-show-ref(1) — List references in a local repository
- git-sparse-checkout(1) — Reduce your working tree to a subset of tracked files
- git-stage(1) — Add file contents to the staging area
- git-stash(1) — Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
- git-status(1) — Show the working tree status
- git-stripspace(1) — Remove unnecessary whitespace
- git-submodule(1) — Initialize, update or inspect submodules
- git-svn(1) — Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git
- git-switch(1) — Switch branches
- git-symbolic-ref(1) — Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
- git-tag(1) — Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
- git-unpack-file(1) — Creates a temporary file with a blob(aqs contents
- git-unpack-objects(1) — Unpack objects from a packed archive
- git-update-index(1) — Register file contents in the working tree to the index
- git-update-ref(1) — Update the object name stored in a ref safely
- git-update-server-info(1) — Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
- git-upload-archive(1) — Send archive back to git-archive
- git-upload-pack(1) — Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
- git-var(1) — Show a Git logical variable
- git-verify-commit(1) — Check the GPG signature of commits
- git-verify-pack(1) — Validate packed Git archive files
- git-verify-tag(1) — Check the GPG signature of tags
- git-version(1) — Display version information about Git
- git-web--browse(1) — Git helper script to launch a web browser
- git-whatchanged(1) — Show logs with difference each commit introduces
- git-worktree(1) — Manage multiple working trees
- git-write-tree(1) — Create a tree object from the current index
- gperf(1) — manual page for gperf 3.0.3
- graphicssession(1) — graphics session initialization utility
- grep(1), egrep(1), fgrep(1), rgrep(1), bzgrep(1), bzegrep(1), bzfgrep(1), zgrep(1), zegrep(1), zfgrep(1) — file pattern searcher
- groups(1) — show group memberships
- gzexe(1) — create auto-decompressing executables
- gzip(1), gunzip(1), zcat(1) — compression/decompression tool using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77)
- h2ph(1) — convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
- h2xs(1) — convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
- hdiutil(1) — manipulate disk images (attach, verify, create, etc)
- hdxml2manxml(1) — HeaderDoc XML to MPGL translator
- head(1) — display first lines of a file
- headerdoc2html(1) — header documentation processor
- heap(1) — List all the malloc-allocated buffers in the process's heap
- hexdump(1) — ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
- hidutil(1) — HID event system debug utility
- hiutil(1) — utility for creating and examining Help Viewer indices
- host(1) — DNS lookup utility
- hostname(1) — set or print name of current host system
- hpmdiagnose(1) — - collects diagnostic information to help troubleshoot USB-C issues
- htdbm(1) — Manipulate DBM password databases
- htdigest(1) — manage user files for digest authentication
- htmltree(1) — Parse the given HTML file(s) and dump the parse tree
- htpasswd(1) — Manage user files for basic authentication
- httxt2dbm(1) — Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
- ibtool(1) — compiles, prints, updates, and verifies Interface Builder documents
- iconservicesagent(1) — agent responsible for generating icon images from the resources provided in application bundles and by the system
- iconservicesd(1) — deamon responsible for managing the shared icon cache
- icontool(1) — tool for testing and debugging IconServices
- iconutil(1) — Utility to convert between '.iconset' and '.icns' files
- iconv(1) — codeset conversion utility
- icqctl(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- id(1) — return user identity
- imptrace(1) — report importance donation events in real time
- indent(1) — indent and format C program source
- install(1) — install binaries
- install_name_tool(1) — change dynamic shared library install names
- instmodsh(1) — A shell to examine installed modules
- intro(1) — introduction to general commands (tools and utilities)
- ip2cc(1) — lookup country from IP address or hostname
- ipcrm(1) — remove the specified message queues, semaphore sets, and shared segments
- ipcs(1) — report System V interprocess communication facilities status
- iperf3-darwin(1) — perform network throughput tests
- ippeveprinter(1) — an ipp everywhere printer application for cups
- ippfind(1) — find internet printing protocol printers
- ipptool(1) — perform internet printing protocol requests
- irb(1) — Interactive Ruby Shell
- java_home(1) — return a value for $JAVA_HOME
- join(1) — relational database operator
- jot(1) — print sequential or random data
- jq(1) — Command-line JSON processor
- json_pp(1) — JSON::PP command utility
- json_xs(1) — JSON::XS commandline utility
- kcc(1) — Kerberos credential cache tools
- kdestroy(1) — remove one credential or destroy the current ticket file
- kgetcred(1) — get a ticket for a particular service
- kill(1) — terminate or signal a process
- killall(1) — kill processes by name
- kinit(1) — acquire initial tickets
- klist(1) — list Kerberos credentials
- kpasswd(1) — Kerberos 5 password changing program
- krb5-config(1) — give information on how to link code against Heimdal libraries
- ksh(1), nZ=0(1) — {
- kswitch(1) — switch between default credential caches
- ktrace(1) — record kernel trace files
- lam(1) — laminate files
- languagesetup(1) — Set the primary language for the system
- last(1) — indicate last logins of users and ttys
- lastcomm(1) — show last commands executed in reverse order
- latency(1) — monitors scheduling and interrupt latency
- launchctl(1) — Interfaces with launchd
- layerutil(1) — create compiled layered image stack
- ld(1) — linker
- ld-classic(1) — linker
- ldapcompare(1) — LDAP compare tool
- ldapdelete(1) — LDAP delete entry tool
- ldapexop(1) — issue LDAP extended operations
- ldapmodify(1), ldapadd(1) — LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
- ldapmodrdn(1) — LDAP rename entry tool
- ldappasswd(1) — change the password of an LDAP entry
- ldapsearch(1) — LDAP search tool
- ldapurl(1) — LDAP URL formatting tool
- ldapwhoami(1) — LDAP who am i? tool
- leaks(1) — Search a process's memory for unreferenced malloc buffers
- leave(1) — remind you when you have to leave
- less(1) — opposite of more
- lessecho(1) — expand metacharacters
- libnetcfg(1) — configure libnet
- libtool(1) — create libraries ranlib - add or update the table of contents of archive libraries
- linkd(1), AppIntentsDaemon(1) — daemon that handles interaction with applications via their App Intents interfaces
- lipo(1) — create or operate on universal files
- lldb(1) — LLDB Documentation
- llvm-cov(1) — emit coverage information
- llvm-cxxfilt(1) — LLVM symbol name demangler
- llvm-nm(1) — list LLVM bitcode and object file's symbol table
- llvm-objdump(1) — LLVM's object file dumper
- llvm-otool(1) — the otool-compatible command line parser for llvm-objdump
- llvm-profdata(1) — Profile data tool
- ln(1), link(1) — link files
- locale(1) — display locale settings
- localedef(1) — define locale environment
- locate(1) — find filenames quickly
- lockf(1) — execute a command while holding a file lock
- lockstat(1) — report kernel lock and profiling statistics
- log(1) — Access system wide log messages created by os_log, os_trace and other logging systems
- logger(1) — make entries in the system log
- login(1) — log into the computer
- logname(1) — display user's login name
- logresolve(1) — Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
- look(1) — display lines beginning with a given string
- lorder(1) — list dependencies for object files
- lp(1) — print files
- lpoptions(1) — display or set printer options and defaults
- lpq(1) — show printer queue status
- lpr(1) — print files
- lprm(1) — cancel print jobs
- lpstat(1) — print cups status information
- ls(1) — list directory contents
- lskq(1) — display process kqueue state
- lsm(1) — Latent Semantic Mapping tool
- lsmp(1) — Display mach port information for processes on the system
- lsvfs(1) — list installed virtual file systems
- lwp-download(1) — Fetch large files from the web
- lwp-dump(1) — See what headers and content is returned for a URL
- lwp-mirror(1) — Simple mirror utility
- lwp-request(1) — Simple command line user agent
- m4(1) — macro language processor
- machine(1) — print machine type
- mail(1), mailx(1) — send and receive mail
- make(1) — GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
- malloc_history(1) — Show the malloc and anonymous VM allocations that the process has performed
- man(1), apropos(1), whatis(1) — display online manual documentation pages
- mandoc(1) — format manual pages
- mandoc_soelim(1), soelim(1) — requests in manpages
- manpath(1) — display search path for manual pages
- matchTool(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- mcxalr(1) — Managed Client application launch restriction tool and agent
- mcxquery(1) — Managed Client (MCX) compositor query tool
- mcxrefresh(1) — Managed Client (MCX) preference refresh tool
- md5(1), sha1(1), sha224(1), sha256(1), sha384(1), sha512(1), md5sum(1), sha1sum(1), sha224sum(1), sha256sum(1), sha384sum(1), sha512sum(1) — calculate a message-digest fingerprint (checksum) for a file
- mdfind(1) — finds files matching a given query
- mdimport(1) — import file hierarchies into the metadata datastore
- mdls(1) — lists the metadata attributes for the specified file
- mdmclient(1) — MDM (Mobile Device Management) client
- mdutil(1) — manage the metadata stores used by Spotlight
- memory_pressure(1) — Tool to apply real or simulate memory pressure on the system
- mesg(1) — display (do not display) messages from other users
- metal(1) — the Metal compiler
- metal-arch(1) — metal platform tool
- metal-config(1) — metal configuration tool
- metal-libtool(1) — create metal libraries
- metal-lipo(1) — Metal tool for manipulating universal binaries
- metal-nm(1) — list MetalLib and object file's symbol table
- metal-nt(1) — metal native translator
- metal-objdump(1) — metal object file dumper
- metal-pack(1) — Metal binary optimizing packer
- metal-package(1) — Metal binaries packaging tool
- metal-source(1) — Metal tool for dumping source information
- metal-strip(1) — metal stripping tool
- metal-tt(1) — metal translation tool
- mg(1) — emacs-like text editor
- mib2c(1) — -- generate template code for extending the agent
- mib2c-update(1) — script to merge custom code into updated mib2c code
- mig(1) — Mach Interface Generator
- migcom(1) — Mach Interface Generator COMpiler
- migrateLocalKDC(1) — migrates a LocalKDC
- mkdir(1) — make directories
- mkfifo(1) — make fifos
- mklocale(1) — make LC_CTYPE locale files
- mktemp(1) — make temporary file name (unique)
- mlserviced(1), iosP(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- mmaintenanced(1) — Daemon for managing kernel and runtime parameters
- mnthome(1) — mount an AFP (AppleShare) home directory with the correct privileges
- mp2bug(1) — mod_perl bug report generator
- mpioutil(1) — Tool for configuring paths to multipathed logical units
- mptcp_client(1) — Tool to exercise MPTCP
- mv(1) — move files
- nc(1) — arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
- ncctl(1) — Control NFS kernel credentials
- ncurses5-config(1) — helper script for ncurses libraries
- ncurses5.4-config(1) — helper script for ncurses libraries
- ncursesw5.4-config(1) — helper script for ncurses libraries
- net-server(1) — Base Net::Server starting module
- net-snmp-config(1) — returns information about installed net-snmp libraries and binaries
- net-snmp-create-v3-user(1) — create a SNMPv3 user in net-snmp configuration file
- netlog(1) — Log summary of every UDP and TCP socket when the socket is closed
- netstat(1) — show network status
- nettop(1) — Display updated information about the network
- netusage(1) — Display traffic usage statistics about the network
- newgrp(1) — change to a new group
- nfsstat(1) — display NFS statistics
- nice(1) — execute a utility at an altered scheduling priority
- nl(1) — line numbering filter
- nm(1) — display name list (symbol table)
- nmedit(1) — change global symbols to local symbols
- nohup(1) — invoke a utility immune to hangups
- notarytool(1) — Manage submissions to the Apple notary service
- notifyutil(1) — notification command line utility
- nslookup(1) — query Internet name servers interactively
- nsupdate(1) — Dynamic DNS update utility
- ocspd(1) — OCSP and CRL Daemon
- od(1) — octal, decimal, hex, ASCII dump
- odmigrationtool(1) — Open Directory Migration Tool
- odutil(1) — allows caller to examine or change state of opendirectoryd(8)
- open(1) — open files and directories
- opendiff(1) — Use FileMerge to graphically compare or merge file or directories
- openrsync(1) — synchronise local and remote files
- osacompile(1) — compile AppleScripts and other OSA language scripts
- osadecompile(1) — display compiled AppleScripts or other OSA language scripts
- osalang(1) — information about installed OSA languages
- osascript(1) — execute OSA scripts AppleScript, JavaScript, etc
- ospredictiond(1) — Daemon that predicts OS conditions
- otctl(1) — Command line interface do provide diagnostic information for iCloud Keychain syncing
- otool-classic(1) — object file displaying tool
- pagesize(1) — print system page size
- pagestuff(1) — Mach-O file page analysis tool
- — Make and run Perl Archives
- parl(1) — Binary PAR Loader
- passwd(1) — modify a user's password
- paste(1) — merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files
- patch(1) — apply a diff file to an original
- pathchk(1) — check pathnames
- pax(1) — read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies
- pbcopy(1), pbpaste(1) — provide copying and pasting to the pasteboard (the Clipboard) from command line
- pcap-config(1) — write libpcap compiler and linker flags to standard output
- pcsstatus(1) — print current status of PCS credentials
- perl(1) — The Perl 5 language interpreter
- perl5004delta(1) — what's new for perl5.004
- perl5005delta(1) — what's new for perl5.005
- perl5100delta(1) — what is new for perl 5.10.0
- perl5101delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.10.1
- perl5120delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.12.0
- perl5121delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.12.1
- perl5122delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.12.2
- perl5123delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.12.3
- perl5124delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.12.4
- perl5125delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.12.5
- perl5140delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.14.0
- perl5141delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.14.1
- perl5142delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.14.2
- perl5143delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.14.3
- perl5144delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.14.4
- perl5160delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.16.0
- perl5161delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.16.1
- perl5162delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.16.2
- perl5163delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.16.3
- perl5180delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.18.0
- perl5181delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.18.1
- perl5182delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.18.2
- perl5184delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.18.4
- perl5200delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.20.0
- perl5201delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.20.1
- perl5202delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.20.2
- perl5203delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.20.3
- perl5220delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.22.0
- perl5221delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.22.1
- perl5222delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.22.2
- perl5223delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.22.3
- perl5224delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.22.4
- perl5240delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.24.0
- perl5241delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.24.1
- perl5242delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.24.2
- perl5243delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.24.3
- perl5244delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.24.4
- perl5260delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.26.0
- perl5261delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.26.1
- perl5262delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.26.2
- perl5263delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.26.3
- perl5280delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.28.0
- perl5281delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.28.1
- perl5282delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.28.2
- perl5283delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.28.3
- perl5300delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.30.0
- perl5301delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.30.1
- perl5302delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.30.2
- perl5303delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.30.3
- perl5320delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.32.0
- perl5321delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.32.1
- perl5340delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.34.0
- perl561delta(1) — what's new for perl v5.6.1
- perl56delta(1) — what's new for perl v5.6.0
- perl581delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.1
- perl582delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.2
- perl583delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.3
- perl584delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.4
- perl585delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.5
- perl586delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.6
- perl587delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.7
- perl588delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.8
- perl589delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.9
- perl58delta(1) — what is new for perl v5.8.0
- perlaix(1) — Perl version 5 on IBM AIX (UNIX) systems
- perlamiga(1) — Perl under AmigaOS 4.1
- perlandroid(1) — Perl under Android
- perlapi(1) — autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
- perlapio(1) — perl's IO abstraction interface
- perlartistic(1) — the Perl Artistic License
- perlbook(1) — Books about and related to Perl
- perlboot(1) — Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- perlbot(1) — Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- perlbs2000(1) — building and installing Perl for BS2000. This document needs to be updated, but we don't know what it should say. Please submit comments to
- perlbug(1) — how to submit bug reports on Perl
- perlcall(1) — Perl calling conventions from C
- perlcheat(1) — Perl 5 Cheat Sheet
- perlclib(1) — Internal replacements for standard C library functions
- perlcn(1) — XXXX Perl XX
- perlcommunity(1) — a brief overview of the Perl community
- perlcygwin(1) — Perl for Cygwin
- perldata(1) — Perl data types
- perldbmfilter(1) — Perl DBM Filters
- perldebguts(1) — Guts of Perl debugging
- perldebtut(1) — Perl debugging tutorial
- perldebug(1) — Perl debugging Xref "debug debugger"
- perldelta(1) — what is new for perl v5.34.1
- perldeprecation(1) — list Perl deprecations
- perldiag(1) — various Perl diagnostics
- perldoc(1) — Look up Perl documentation in Pod format
- perldocstyle(1) — A style guide for writing Perl's documentation
- perldos(1) — Perl under DOS, W31, W95
- perldsc(1) — Perl Data Structures Cookbook Xref "data structure complex data structure struct"
- perldtrace(1) — Perl's support for DTrace
- perlebcdic(1) — Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
- perlembed(1) — how to embed perl in your C program
- perlexperiment(1) — A listing of experimental features in Perl
- perlfaq(1) — Frequently asked questions about Perl
- perlfaq1(1) — General Questions About Perl
- perlfaq2(1) — Obtaining and Learning about Perl
- perlfaq3(1) — Programming Tools
- perlfaq4(1) — Data Manipulation
- perlfaq5(1) — Files and Formats
- perlfaq6(1) — Regular Expressions
- perlfaq7(1) — General Perl Language Issues
- perlfaq8(1) — System Interaction
- perlfaq9(1) — Web, Email and Networking
- perlfilter(1) — Source Filters
- perlfork(1) — Perl's fork() emulation
- perlform(1) — Perl formats Xref "format report chart"
- perlfreebsd(1) — Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
- perlfunc(1) — Perl builtin functions Xref "function"
- perlgit(1) — Detailed information about git and the Perl repository
- perlglossary(1) — Perl Glossary
- perlgov(1) — Perl Rules of Governance
- perlgpl(1) — the GNU General Public License, version 1
- perlguts(1) — Introduction to the Perl API
- perlhack(1) — How to hack on Perl
- perlhacktips(1) — Tips for Perl core C code hacking
- perlhacktut(1) — Walk through the creation of a simple C code patch
- perlhaiku(1) — Perl version 5.10+ on Haiku
- perlhist(1) — the Perl history records
- perlhpux(1) — Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems
- perlhurd(1) — Perl version 5 on Hurd
- perlintern(1) — autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl functions
- perlinterp(1) — An overview of the Perl interpreter
- perlintro(1) — a brief introduction and overview of Perl
- perliol(1) — C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers
- perlipc(1) — Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores)
- perlirix(1) — Perl version 5 on Irix systems
- perlivp(1) — Perl Installation Verification Procedure
- perljp(1) — XXX Perl XXX
- perlko(1) — XXX Perl XXX
- perllexwarn(1) — Perl Lexical Warnings
- perllinux(1) — Perl version 5 on Linux systems
- perllocale(1) — Perl locale handling (internationalization and localization)
- perllol(1) — Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl
- perlmacos(1) — Perl under Mac OS (Classic)
- perlmacosx(1) — Perl under Mac OS X
- perlmod(1) — Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
- perlmodinstall(1) — Installing CPAN Modules
- perlmodlib(1) — constructing new Perl modules and finding existing ones
- perlmodstyle(1) — Perl module style guide
- perlmroapi(1) — Perl method resolution plugin interface
- perlnetware(1) — Perl for NetWare
- perlnewmod(1) — preparing a new module for distribution
- perlnumber(1) — semantics of numbers and numeric operations in Perl
- perlobj(1) — Perl object reference Xref "object OOP"
- perlootut(1) — Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial
- perlop(1) — Perl operators and precedence Xref "operator"
- perlopenbsd(1) — Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
- perlopentut(1) — simple recipes for opening files and pipes in Perl
- perlos2(1) — Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT
- perlos390(1) — building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS
- perlos400(1) — Perl version 5 on OS/400 This document needs to be updated, but we don't know what it should say. Please submit comments to
- perlpacktut(1) — tutorial on "pack" and "unpack"
- perlperf(1) — Perl Performance and Optimization Techniques
- perlplan9(1) — Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
- perlpod(1) — the Plain Old Documentation format Xref "POD plain old documentation"
- perlpodspec(1) — Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
- perlpodstyle(1) — Perl POD style guide
- perlpolicy(1) — Various and sundry policies and commitments related to the Perl core
- perlport(1) — Writing portable Perl
- perlpragma(1) — how to write a user pragma
- perlqnx(1) — Perl version 5 on QNX
- perlre(1) — Perl regular expressions Xref "regular expression regex regexp"
- perlreapi(1) — Perl regular expression plugin interface
- perlrebackslash(1) — Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
- perlrecharclass(1) — Perl Regular Expression Character Classes Xref "character class"
- perlref(1) — Perl references and nested data structures Xref "reference pointer data structure structure struct"
- perlreftut(1) — Mark's very short tutorial about references
- perlreguts(1) — Description of the Perl regular expression engine
- perlrepository(1) — Links to current information on the Perl source repository
- perlrequick(1) — Perl regular expressions quick start
- perlreref(1) — Perl Regular Expressions Reference
- perlretut(1) — Perl regular expressions tutorial
- perlriscos(1) — Perl version 5 for RISC OS
- perlrun(1) — how to execute the Perl interpreter
- perlsec(1) — Perl security
- perlsecpolicy(1) — Perl security report handling policy
- perlsolaris(1) — Perl version 5 on Solaris systems
- perlsource(1) — A guide to the Perl source tree
- perlstyle(1) — Perl style guide
- perlsub(1) — Perl subroutines Xref "subroutine function"
- perlsyn(1) — Perl syntax Xref "syntax"
- perlsynology(1) — Perl 5 on Synology DSM systems
- perlthrtut(1) — Tutorial on threads in Perl
- perltie(1) — how to hide an object class in a simple variable Xref "tie"
- perltoc(1) — perl documentation table of contents
- perltodo(1) — Link to the Perl to-do list
- perltooc(1) — Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- perltoot(1) — Links to information on object-oriented programming in Perl
- perltrap(1) — Perl traps for the unwary
- perltru64(1) — Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNIX formerly known as DEC OSF/1) systems
- perltw(1) — XXXX Perl XX
- perlunicode(1) — Unicode support in Perl
- perlunicook(1) — cookbookish examples of handling Unicode in Perl
- perlunifaq(1) — Perl Unicode FAQ
- perluniintro(1) — Perl Unicode introduction
- perluniprops(1) — Index of Unicode Version 13.0.0 character properties in Perl
- perlunitut(1) — Perl Unicode Tutorial
- perlutil(1) — utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
- perlvar(1) — Perl predefined variables
- perlvms(1) — VMS-specific documentation for Perl
- perlvos(1) — Perl for Stratus OpenVOS
- perlwin32(1) — Perl under Windows
- perlxs(1) — XS language reference manual
- perlxstut(1) — Tutorial for writing XSUBs
- perlxstypemap(1) — Perl XS C/Perl type mapping
- pgrep(1), pkill(1) — find or signal processes by name
- photosctl(1) — Photo Library diagnostic, configuration and test utility
- pico(1) — simple text editor in the style of the Alpine Composer
- piconv(1) — -- iconv(1), reinvented in perl
- pkgbuild(1) — Build a macOS Installer component package from on-disk files
- pkgutil(1) — Query and manipulate macOS Installer packages and receipts
- pl(1) — ASCII property list utility
- pl2pm(1) — Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules
- plockstat(1) — front-end to DTrace to print statistics about POSIX mutexes and read/write locks
- plutil(1) — property list utility
- pmset(1) — manipulate power management settings
- pod2html(1) — convert .pod files to .html files
- pod2man(1) — Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
- pod2readme(1) — Intelligently generate a README file from POD
- pod2text(1) — Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
- pod2usage(1) — print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
- podchecker(1) — check the syntax of POD format documentation files
- postalias(1) — Postfix alias database maintenance
- postcat(1) — show Postfix queue file contents
- postconf(1) — Postfix configuration utility
- postdrop(1) — Postfix mail posting utility
- postfix(1) — Postfix control program
- postfix-tls(1) — Postfix TLS management
- postkick(1) — kick a Postfix service
- postlock(1) — lock mail folder and execute command
- postlog(1) — Postfix-compatible logging utility
- postmap(1) — Postfix lookup table management
- postmulti(1) — Postfix multi-instance manager
- postqueue(1) — Postfix queue control
- postsuper(1) — Postfix superintendent
- powerd(1) — Daemon that manages Energy Preferences
- pp(1) — PAR Packager
- ppdc(1) — cups ppd compiler (deprecated)
- ppdhtml(1) — cups html summary generator (deprecated)
- ppdi(1) — import ppd files (deprecated)
- ppdmerge(1) — merge ppd files (deprecated)
- ppdpo(1) — ppd message catalog generator (deprecated)
- pr(1) — print files
- praudit(1) — print the contents of audit trail files
- printenv(1) — print out the environment
- printf(1) — formatted output
- prng_seedctl(1) — Loads and updates the kernel PRNG seed file
- productbuild(1) — Build a product archive for the macOS Installer or the Mac App Store
- productsign(1) — Sign a macOS Installer product archive
- profiles(1) — Profiles Tool
- profiles(1) — Profiles Tool for macOS
- prove(1) — Run tests through a TAP harness
- ps(1) — process status
- psm(1) — Command line interface to Apple Silicon password slot manager
- ptar(1) — a tar-like program written in perl
- ptardiff(1) — program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one
- ptargrep(1) — Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a tar archive
- pwd(1) — return working directory name
- python3(1), python(1) — an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
- qlmanage(1) — Quick Look Server debug and management tool
- quota(1) — display disk usage and limits
- realpath(1) — return resolved physical path
- remotepairingdeviced(1) — Manages remote pairing
- resolveLinks(1) — Resolves link requests in collections of HTML files
- rev(1) — reverse lines of a file
- ri(1) — Ruby API reference front end
- rm(1), unlink(1) — remove directory entries
- rmdir(1) — remove directories
- rpcgen(1) — Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol compiler
- rs(1) — reshape a data array
- rsync(1) — faster, flexible replacement for rcp
- ruby(1) — Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
- sample(1) — Profile a process during a time interval
- sandbox-exec(1) — execute within a sandbox (DEPRECATED)
- say(1) — Convert text to audible speech
- sc_usage(1) — show system call usage statistics
- scalar(1) — A tool for managing large Git repositories
- — Scan file prerequisites
- scp(1) — OpenSSH secure file copy
- screen(1) — screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
- screencapture(1) — capture images from the screen and save them to a file or the clipboard
- script(1) — make typescript of terminal session
- sdef(1) — scripting definition extractor
- sdiff(1) — side-by-side diff
- sdp(1) — scripting definition (sdef) processor
- sdx(1) — Starkit Developer eXtension
- security(1) — Command line interface to keychains and Security framework
- security-sysdiagnose(1) — Command line interface do dump keychain related information in sysdiagnose
- securityd(1) — Security context daemon for keychain and cryptographic operations
- sed(1) — stream editor
- segedit(1) — extract and replace sections from object files
- sendmail(1) — Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
- seq(1) — print sequences of numbers
- seserviced(1) — SE service daemon
- setquota(1) — Sets home directory quotas on the local computer
- sfltool(1) — tool for testing and debugging SharedFileList
- sftp(1) — OpenSSH secure file transfer
- sh(1) — POSIX-compliant command interpreter
- shar(1) — create a shell archive of files
- shasum(1) — Print or Check SHA Checksums
- shazam(1) — A utility for ShazamKit
- shazam-custom-catalog-create(1), shazam custom-catalog create(1) — Create a custom catalog file
- shazam-custom-catalog-display(1), shazam custom-catalog display(1) — Display contents of a custom catalog file
- shazam-custom-catalog-export(1), shazam custom-catalog export(1) — Export contents of a custom catalog file
- shazam-custom-catalog-remove(1), shazam custom-catalog remove(1) — Remove an entry from a custom catalog file
- shazam-custom-catalog-update(1), shazam custom-catalog update(1) — Update an existing custom catalog with a signature and its associated media items
- shazam-signature(1), shazam signature(1) — Create shazam signature files from media
- shlock(1) — create or verify a lock file for shell scripts
- shortcuts(1) — Command-line utility for running shortcuts
- sips(1) — scriptable image processing system
- siriactionsd(1) — Daemon for the Shortcuts application
- size(1) — print the size of the sections in an object file
- sleep(1) — suspend execution for an interval of time
- smbutil(1) — interface to the SMB requester
- snmp-bridge-mib(1) — provide Linux bridge information via SNMP
- snmpbulkget(1) — communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETBULK requests
- snmpbulkwalk(1) — retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETBULK requests
- snmpcmd(1) — options and behaviour common to most of the Net-SNMP command-line tools
- snmpconf(1) — creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
- snmpdelta(1) — Monitor delta differences in SNMP Counter values
- snmpdf(1) — display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP
- snmpget(1) — communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET requests
- snmpgetnext(1) — communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETNEXT requests
- snmpnetstat(1) — display networking status and configuration information from a network entity via SNMP
- snmpset(1) — communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests
- snmpstatus(1) — retrieves a fixed set of management information from a network entity
- snmptable(1) — retrieve an SNMP table and display it in tabular form
- snmptest(1) — communicates with a network entity using SNMP requests
- snmptranslate(1) — translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual forms
- snmptrap(1), snmpinform(1) — sends an SNMP notification to a manager
- snmpusm(1) — creates and maintains SNMPv3 users on a network entity
- snmpvacm(1) — creates and maintains SNMPv3 View-based Access Control entries on a network entity
- snmpwalk(1) — retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT requests
- sntp(1) — A very Simple Network Time Protocol client program
- sort(1) — sort or merge records (lines) of text and binary files
- spfd(1) — simple forking daemon to provide SPF query services
- spfquery(1) — (Mail::SPF) - Checks if a given set of e-mail parameters matches a domain's SPF policy
- split(1) — split a file into pieces
- sqlite3(1) — A command line interface for SQLite version 3
- ssh(1) — OpenSSH remote login client
- ssh-add(1) — adds private key identities to the OpenSSH authentication agent
- ssh-agent(1) — OpenSSH authentication agent
- ssh-copy-id(1) — use locally available keys to authorise logins on a remote machine
- ssh-keygen(1) — OpenSSH authentication key utility
- ssh-keyscan(1) — gather SSH public keys from servers
- stapler(1) — Attach and validate tickets for notarized executables
- stat(1), readlink(1) — display file status
- streamzip(1) — create a zip file from stdin
- stringdups(1) — Identify duplicate strings or other objects in malloc blocks of a target process
- strings(1) — find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file
- strip(1) — remove symbols
- stty(1) — set the options for a terminal device interface
- su(1) — substitute user identity
- sw_vers(1) — print macOS system version information
- swd(1) — Tool used to debug Sleep Wake failures
- swift(1) — -- Safe, fast, and expressive general-purpose programming language
- swtransparency-sysdiagnose(1) — sysdiagnose information for software transparency project
- symbols(1) — display symbol information about a file or process
- symbolscache(1) — display and modify symbolcache information
- sysdiagnose(1) — gathers system-wide diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance issues
- syslog(1) — Apple System Log utility
- syspolicy_check(1) — Check if macOS app is ready for notarization or distribution
- tab2space(1) — Utility to expand tabs and ensure consistent line endings
- tabs(1) — set terminal tabs
- tail(1) — display the last part of a file
- tailspin(1) — configure, save and print tailspin output
- talk(1) — talk to another user
- tapi(1) — Text-based Stubs Tool
- tapi-analyze(1) — Analyze that a binary can be launched without missing frameworks and interfaces
- tapi-archive(1) — Merge or thin text-based stub files
- tapi-installapi(1) — Create a text-based stub file by scanning the header files
- tapi-reexport(1) — Create a linker reexport file by scanning the header files
- tapi-stubify(1) — Create a text-based stub file from a library
- tapi-tbd(1), tbd(1) — Text Based Dynamic Library Stub
- tapi-tbdv4(1), tbd(1) — Text Based Dynamic Library Stub
- tar(1) — manipulate tape archives
- taskinfo(1) — display policy information from kernel
- tbtdiagnose(1) — - collects diagnostic information to help troubleshoot Thunderbolt issues
- tccutil(1) — manage the privacy database
- tclsh(1tcl) — Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
- tcpdump(1) — dump traffic on a network
- tcsh(1) — C shell with file name completion and command line editing
- tee(1) — duplicate standard input
- test(1), [(1) — condition evaluation utility
- textunderstandingd(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- textutil(1) — text utility
- tftp(1) — trivial file transfer program
- tidy(1) — validate, correct, and pretty-print HTML files
- tidy_changelog(1) — command-line tool for CPAN::Changes
- tiff2icns(1) — converts TIFF to icns format
- tiffutil(1), — tiffutil(1) - manipulates tiff files
- time(1) — time command execution
- timerfires(1) — analyze timers as they fire
- timesyncanalyse(1) — time synchronization analysis tool
- tkcon(1) — Tk console replacement
- tkmib(1) — an interactive graphical MIB browser for SNMP
- tkpp(1) — frontend to pp written in Perl/Tk
- top(1) — display sorted information about processes
- tops(1) — perform in-place substitutions on code
- torque(1) — ./" ./" Launches one or more child processes, each of which performs a series of bandwidth intensive operations, and after completion reports the bandwidth actually achieved by each operation during a period when all operation streams were executing simultaneously. ./" ./"
- touch(1) — change file access and modification times
- tput(1), reset(1) — initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
- tr(1) — translate characters
- trace(1) — record and modify trace files
- transparency-sysdiagnose(1) — sysdiagnose information for IDS transparency project
- traptoemail(1) — snmptrapd handler script to convert snmp traps into emails
- treereg(1) — Compiler for Tree Regular Expressions
- true(1) — return true value
- truncate(1) — truncate, extend the length of files, or perform space management in files
- trustcachectl(1) — Load trust caches and query whether a cd hash is present in a loaded trust cache
- tsort(1) — topological sort of a directed graph
- tty(1) — return user's terminal name
- ul(1) — do underlining
- umtool(1) — Diagnostic tool for UserManagement
- uname(1) — display information about the system
- unifdef(1), unifdefall(1) — remove preprocessor conditionals from code
- uniq(1) — report or filter out repeated lines in a file
- units(1) — conversion calculator
- unvis(1) — revert a visual representation of data back to original form
- unwinddump(1) — Displays compact unwind information in an executable
- unzip(1) — list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
- unzipsfx(1) — self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
- uptime(1) — show how long system has been running
- users(1) — list current users
- uttype(1) — Information about Uniform Type Identifiers
- uuconv(1) — convert UUCP configuration files
- uucp(1) — Unix to Unix copy
- uuidgen(1) — generates new UUID strings
- uulog(1) — display entries in the UUCP log file
- uuname(1) — list remote UUCP sites
- uupick(1) — retrieve files transferred by uuto
- uustat(1) — UUCP status inquiry and control
- uuto(1) — send files to a particular user on a remote system
- uux(1) — Remote command execution over UUCP
- viewdiagnostic(1) — Visualize diagnostic reports
- vim(1) — Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
- vimdiff(1) — edit between two and eight versions of a file with Vim and show differences
- vimtutor(1) — the Vim tutor
- vis(1) — display non-printable characters in a visual format
- vm_stat(1) — show Mach virtual memory statistics
- vmmap(1) — Display the virtual memory regions allocated in a process
- vtool(1) — Mach-O version number utility
- w(1) — display who is logged in and what they are doing
- wait4path(1) — wait for given path to show up in the namespace
- wall(1) — write a message to users
- wc(1) — word, line, character, and byte count
- wfa_ca(1), Other_name_for_same_program()(1), Yet another name for the same program.(1) — This line parsed for whatis database
- what(1) — show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file
- whereis(1) — locate programs
- which(1) — locate a program file in the user's path
- who(1) — display who is on the system
- whoami(1) — display effective user id
- whois(1) — Internet domain name and network number directory service
- wish(1tcl) — Simple windowing shell
- write(1) — send a message to another user
- xar(1) — eXtensible ARchiver
- xargs(1) — construct argument list(s) and execute utility
- xattr(1) — display and manipulate extended attributes
- xccov(1) — view Xcode coverage data in human-readable or machine-parseable format
- xcode-select(1) — Manages the active developer directory for Xcode and BSD tools
- xcodebuild(1) — build Xcode projects and workspaces
- xcresulttool(1) — view Xcode result bundle data in a human-readable or machine-parseable format
- xcrun(1) — Run or locate development tools and properties
- xcrun(1) — altool" " -- Validate and Upload apps for the App Store."
- xctest(1) — run tests in an XCTest test bundle
- xctrace(1) — Record, import, export and symbolicate Instruments.trace files
- xctspawn(1) — Command line utility to execute XCTest unit and UI tests locally on device
- xed(1) — Xcode text editor invocation tool
- — Extract translatable strings from source
- xip(1) — Create or expand a secure archive for secure distribution
- xml2-config(1) — script to get information about the installed version of GNOME-XML
- xml2man(1) — MPGL to mdoc (man page) translator
- xmlcatalog(1) — Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML catalog files
- xmllint(1) — command line XML tool
- xpath(1) — a script to query XPath statements in XML documents
- xprotect(1) — Utility for interacting with XProtect
- xsltproc(1) — command line XSLT processor
- xsubpp(1) — compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
- xxd(1) — make a hex dump or do the reverse
- yacc(1) — parser generator
- yapp(1) — A perl frontend to the Parse::Yapp module
- yes(1) — be repetitively affirmative
- zcmp(1), zdiff(1) — compare compressed files
- zforce(1) — force gzip files to have a.gz suffix
- zip(1) — package and compress (archive) files
- zipcloak(1) — encrypt entries in a zipfile
- zipdetails(1) — display the internal structure of zip files
- zipgrep(1) — search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern
- zipinfo(1) — list detailed information about a ZIP archive
- zipnote(1) — write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments and rename files in zipfile
- zipsplit(1) — split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
- zmore(1), zless(1) — view compressed files
- znew(1) — convert compressed files to gzipped files
- zprint(1) — show information about kernel zones
- zsh(1) — the Z shell
- zshall(1) — the Z shell meta-man page
- zshbuiltins(1) — zsh built-in commands
- zshcompctl(1) — zsh programmable completion
- zshcompsys(1) — zsh completion system
- zshcompwid(1) — zsh completion widgets
- zshcontrib(1) — user contributions to zsh
- zshexpn(1) — zsh expansion and substitution
- zshmisc(1) — everything and then some
- zshmodules(1) — zsh loadable modules
- zshoptions(1) — zsh options
- zshparam(1) — zsh parameters
- zshroadmap(1) — informal introduction to the zsh manual The Zsh Manual, like the shell itself, is large and often complicated. This section of the manual provides some pointers to areas of the shell that are likely to be of particular interest to new users, and indicates where in the rest of the manual the documentation is to be found
- zshtcpsys(1) — zsh tcp system
- zshzftpsys(1) — zftp function front-end
- zshzle(1) — zsh command line editor